10001, Manhattan, 10TH AVE, 410
Single service article not provided. Single service article reused or not protected from contamination when transported, stored, dispensed. Drinking straws not completely enclosed in wrapper or dispensed from a sanitary device.
Caloric content not posted on menus, menu boards or food tags, in a food service establishment that is 1 of 15 or more outlets operating the same type of business nationally under common ownership or control, or as a franchise or doing business under the same name, for each menu item that is served in portions, the size and content of which are standardized.
Food, supplies, or equipment not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display, service or from customer’s refillable, reusable container. Condiments not in single-service containers or dispensed directly by the vendor.
Food allergy information poster not conspicuously posted where food is being prepared or processed by food workers.
Design, construction, materials used or maintenance of food contact surface improper. Surface not easily cleanable, sanitized and maintained.
Food adulterated or misbranded. Adulterated or misbranded food possessed, being manufactured, produced, packed, sold, offered for sale, delivered or given away