11373, Queens, CORONA AVE, 9466B
Nuisance created or allowed to exist. Facility not free from unsafe, hazardous, offensive or annoying condition.
Failure to display required signage about plastic straw availability
Toilet facility not maintained or provided with toilet paper, waste receptacle or self-closing door.
Food, supplies, or equipment not protected from potential source of contamination during storage, preparation, transportation, display, service or from customer’s refillable, reusable container. Condiments not in single-service containers or dispensed directly by the vendor.
Insufficient or no hot holding, cold storage or cold holding equipment provided to maintain Time/Temperature Control for Safety Foods (TCS) at required temperatures
No approved written standard operating procedure for avoiding contamination by refillable returnable containers.
Insufficient or no hot holding, cold storage or cold holding equipment provided to maintain Time/Temperature Control for Safety Foods (TCS) at required temperatures
No approved written standard operating procedure for avoiding contamination by refillable returnable containers.