11368, Queens, NORTHERN BLVD, 9922
Latin American
“Choking first aid” poster not posted. “Alcohol and Pregnancy” warning sign not posted. Resuscitation equipment: exhaled air resuscitation masks (adult & pediatric), latex gloves, sign not posted.
Establishment is not free of harborage or conditions conducive to rodents, insects or other pests.
No hand washing facility in or adjacent to toilet room or within 25 feet of a food preparation, food service or ware washing area. Hand washing facility not accessible, obstructed or used for non-hand washing purposes. No hot and cold running water or water at inadequate pressure. No soap or acceptable hand-drying device.
Anti-siphonage or back-flow prevention device not provided where required; equipment or floor not properly drained; sewage disposal system in disrepair or not functioning properly. Condensation or liquid waste improperly disposed of.
Live roaches in facility's food or non-food area.
Food Protection Certificate (FPC) not held by manager or supervisor of food operations.
Wash hands sign not posted near or above hand washing sink.